Αρχική σελίδα Εργογραφία Βιογραφικό Υπό έκδοση Επικοινωνία En/Fr/It/Es


English / Français / Italiano / Espagnol

Yannis Livadas is a contemporary Greek poet, born in 1969. In 1993 he invented the «fusion sonnet». In 2008 he came up with the idea of «organic antimetathesis». He works as an editor, translator, and independent scholar specializing in modernism, postmodernism, and haiku. His poems and essays have been translated into twelve languages. He does not participate in festivals, literary events, or associations related to poetry, on an international scale. He lives in Paris, France.

Journals and literary reviews where his works have been published: Foglio Clandestino, Signaturen, Helikon, Spring: The Journal of the E. E. Cummings Society, Ragged Lion Journal, Dispatches, Dainik Bangla, Punjud, New Coin, Numéro Cinq, Kolikata Letterpress Journal, Gobshite Quarterly, Poetry Kanto, Pratishedhak, Empty Mirror, Kritya Poetry Journal, Poesie Vivante, Résonance Générale, Recours au poème, Poèmes/Poesie Française et Mondiale d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui, Incertain Regard, Népenthès, Le Zaporogue, El Golem, Vallejo & Co., Alpialdelapalabra, Revista Literaria Centroamericana, Revista 7im, El Perseguidor, Words Without Borders, Vendor, Quorum Magazine, 世界俳句, 吟遊俳句選集, Tokyo Poetry Journal, Koan Magazine, Vestiges Literary Journal, Henry, Poeticanet, Hyperallergic, Fractal, Book Press, Literature, Ποιητική, Τα ποιήματα του 2007, 24 Γράμματα, Διάστιχο, Artic, Νέο Πλανόδιον, Ομπρέλα, Νέα Εστία, Χάρτης, Noria - Revue littéraire et artistique, Círculo de Poesía, Poetry Alquimia, Periodico de poesia, Revista Aullido.


Yannis Livadas (1969) Il est un poète grec. En 1993, il invente le «sonnet-fusion». En 2008, il a introduit l’idée de «l' antimétathèse organique». Son œuvre a été traduite en douze langues. Il ne participe pas à des festivals et événements littéraires liés à la poésie, à l'échelle internationale, ainsi que d'adhérer à des sociétés ou associations littéraires. Il vit à Paris.

Yannis Livadas (1969) È un poeta greco. Nel 1993, ha inventato il "sonetto fusione".  Nel 2008 ha introdotto l'idea di "antimetatesi organica". Rifiuta qualsiasi partecipazione a festival ed eventi letterari legati alla poesia, su scala internazionale, nonché qualsiasi proposta di adesione a società o associazioni letterarie. Le sue poesie sono tradotto in dodici lingue. Vive a Parigi.

Yannis Livadás (1969) es un poeta griego. En 1993 inventó el «soneto de fusión». En 2008 introdujo la idea de la «antipermutación orgánica». Además de dedicarse a la poesía, trabaja sistemáticamente como ensayista y traductor literario. Desde 2011 ha evitado toda participación en festivales literarios y actos que tengan que ver con la poesía a nivel internacional, así como también la adhesión a grupos o a asociaciones de corte literario. Sus poemas y ensayos han sido traducidos a doce idiomas. Vive en Paris, Francia. 




Guarantees of wastage (Indiktos, Greece 2024)

El sebo de la mosca / Poemas dispersos 1996-2012 (Mantis Editores, Mexico 2024)  

Inferring Emptiness [Second edition] (Ekati, Greece 2023)

Versional. Jazz poems 1990-2009 (Panoptikon, Greece 2023)

Routines (Indiktos, Greece 2022)

Extremities [Poems 1990-2008] (Ekati, Greece 2022)

Il grasso della mosca / Poesie 1995-2010 (Campanotto Editore, Italia 2021)

Jazz Şiirleri (Sub Press, Türkiye 2021)

Collected Haiku (Red Moon Press, USA 2020)

Kemiklerimden Yapılma Mezar Çorbası [Seçilmiş kısa şiirler 1996-2012] (Sub Press, Türkiye 2020)

La Chope Daguerre / Autoreportage (Edizioni Kolibris, Italia 2020)

My Bones In The Soup Of My Grave: Selected Shorter Poems 1996-2012 (Ragged Lion Press, United Kingdom 2019)

A Sum of Haiku: 1991-1997 (Ragged Lion Press, United Kingdom 2019)

Autoreportages (Moloko Print, Deutschland 2018)

Haiku 1991-2008 (Ekati, Greece 2018)

Inferring Emptiness (Koukoutsi, Greece 2017)

Magnat De La Mort [Poèmes courts 1997-2011] (Éditions L’ Harmattan, France 2017)

Yannis Livadas an interview and Five Poems (A co-edition of Moloko Print [Deutschland] and Sea Urchin Editions [Netherlands] 2017)

Austerity Measures/The New Greek Poetry [six poems] (New York Review Books, USA 2017)

Austerity Measures/The New Greek Poetry [six poems](Penguin Books, United Kingdom 2016)

Modart (Alloglotta Editions, Greece 2015)

Strictly Two (Sea Urchin Editions, Netherlands 2015)

The fat of the fly (Kedros, Greece 2015)

Sound Bones [17 poems for Jazz] (Iolkos, Greece 2014)

La Chope Daguerre + Ηusk Poems (Kedros, Greece 2013)

Bezumljie (Peti Talas, Serbia 2012)

Kelifus (Cold Turkey Press, France 2011)

Ati - Scattered Poems 2001-2009 (Kedros, Greece 2011)

The Margins Of A Central Man (Graffiti Kolkata, India 2010)

The Star Electric Space/An International Anthology Of Indie Writers [is included with 4 poems](Graffiti Kolkata, India 2010)

John Coltrane & 15 Poems for Jazz (C.C. Marimbo, USA 2008)

Apteral Nike/Business/Sphinx (Heridanos, Greece 2008)

John Coltrane and 12 Poems for Jazz (Apopeira, Greece 2007)

The Hanging Verses Of Babylon (Melani, Greece 2007)

Annex of Temperate Emotion (Indiktos, Greece 2003)

Receipt of Retail Poetry (Akron, Greece 2002)

Expressionistic Feedback (Akron, Greece 2000)



'Round About Jazz (Futura 2019)


Jack Kerouac, a monography (Apopeira, Greece 2016)


Blaise Cendrars/A biographical sketch (Koukoutsi, Greece 2016)


Ravaged By The Hand Of Beauty (Cold Turkey Press, France 2012)


Anaptygma /Essays and notes on poetry [Second edition] (Ekati, Greece 2023)

Three Sketches Of Criticism and The Routines Of Poetry (Moloko Print, Deutschland 2021)

Anaptygma /Essays and notes on poetry (Koukoutsi, Greece 2015)


The Laocoon Complex [new revised edition] (Panoptikon, Greece 2019)

The Laocoon Complex (Logeion Books, Greece 2012)




Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου